Hi, If you create a histogram with 2 or more functions, how do you get the fit statistics to correspond to a particular function? For Example, I do: TFile file("Science.root"); gStyle->SetOptStat(1110); gStyle->SetOptFit(73); TCanvas *can; TH1F *hist; TF1 *fn,*lim; Double_t parm[3]; Float_t width = 1.5; can = new TCanvas("canvas","Canvas",700,500); bgoir.Draw("val01","val01>10&&val01<99&&lay==0&&cry==15"); hist = (TH1F*)can->GetPrimitive("htemp"); hist->Fit("gaus"); fn = hist->GetFunction("gaus"); fn->GetParameters(parm); lim = new TF1("limited","gaus",parm[1]-width*parm[2],parm[1]+width*parm[2]); hist->Fit("limited","R0+"); I get the stats for gaus, and I want to see the fit parameters for limited, not gaus? Thanks Alexey
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