ROOT 2.23.11 RPMS available for RedHat Linux 6.1 Intel

From: Matthew D. Langston (
Date: Sat Jan 15 2000 - 23:06:41 MET

RPMS of ROOT 2.23.11 (released 2000.01.14) are available for RedHat
Linux 6.1 Intel at

Two versions are available for two different C++ compilers.

  1) These were built with the default g++ that comes with RedHat 6.1
     (e.g. egcs-2.91.66, otherwise known as egcs-1.1.2):


  2) These were built with the newer g++ from gcc 2.95.2:


The ROOT RPMS built beginning with root-2.22.10-2.i386.rpm
(i.e. beginning back in August of 1999) are structured such that you can
have multiple installations of the same version of ROOT, as well as
multiple installations of different versions of ROOT, installed on the
same machine.  Just do an rpm install (e.g. use the "-i" flag) instead
of an rpm upgrade (e.g. the "-U" flag).

This functionality allows you to test out a newer version of ROOT while
still keeping an older version around, as well as allowing you to use
multiple (and often times incompatible) C++ compilers.

If you want to build ROOT yourself (e.g. by doing a "rpm --rebuild"),
then you will want the ROOT SRPM and possibly the Mesa RPMS (if you want
OpenGL support compiled into your ROOT):


Note that the SRPM above was used to build both versions of ROOT
2.23.11.  It automatically takes the first C++ compiler found in your
PATH and uses parts of the compiler's version string to name the RPMS

Matthew D. Langston
SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

* Thu Jan 13 2000  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Release 2.23.11-1
- Fix bug in making symlinks to h2root and g2root.
- Try again the new "configure style" build architecture with ROOT

* Tue Dec 21 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Release 2.23.10-1

* Tue Dec 21 1999  Stephen Adler <>
- Add and root.csh.

* Tue Dec 14 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Release 2.23.09-1
- The new style build architecture introduced in ROOT 2.23.09 is broken,
  so revert back to the tried-and-true method.

* Mon Dec 13 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Try new style build architecture.

* Wed Nov 10 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Release 2.23.08-1
- Use cernlib 2000
- Change OpenGL procedure to avoid error compiling UNIX_UnixSystem.cxx
  on RedHat Linux 6.1 Intel.

* Fri Oct 15 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Release 2.23.04-2
- Release 2.22.10-3
- Add compiler name and version to package name.
- Add new buildroot functionality.

* Thu Oct 14 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Release 2.23.04-1
- Release 2.22.10-2
- Make root unpack into a unique subdirectory of BUILD.
- Make useful symlinks for the user.

* Wed Oct 13 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Added a "unique" install prefix since we can't make ROOT relocatable.

* Fri Sep 17 1999  Matthew D. Langston  <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
- Add a patch to the SRPM (but don't apply the patch) to add
  G__PTR2MEMFUNC to CINTCFLAGS to support pointer to members on RedHat
  Linux 6.0.  Unfortunately, this must be done on a per platform basis.
- Begin ChangeLog (long overdue)

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