RE:CINT and template functions

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 12:26:21 MET

Dear George,

I modified your header file and made it work. 
Try following with t328.h and t328.cxx.

   $  cint t328.cxx
   $  makecint -mk makefile -dl t328.dll -H t328.h
   $  make -f makefile
   $  cint t328.cxx

The first cint-run interprets the template. Second cint-run
uses compied template function for int and double version.

You can not precompile template itself. This is a C++ limitation.
You can only precompile instantiated template.
Thank you
Masaharu Goto

// t328.h ///////////////////////////////////////////
#include <stdio.h>
typedef bool Bool_t;

template <class X>
Bool_t TestTemplate(const X& t) {
  size_t a = sizeof(X);

#ifdef __MAKECINT__
Bool_t TestTemplate(const int& t) ;
Bool_t TestTemplate(const double& t) ;

// t328.cxx ////////////////////////////////////
#include "t328.h"
#pragma include_noerr "t328.dll" 

class b {
 double d;
 int a;

main() {
  int x;
  double d;
  b y;

>I'm trying to explore what I can and can't do with templates in CINT, 
>since I would like to use some of their features in ROOT programs. I've 
>managed to get template classes linked in (with the small problem of 
>the Streamer functions, but Masa says that that's been fixed in the 
>newest CINT).  And, I know that template member functions are not 
>supported (which is a shame, but I'll deal). However, I couldn't for 
>the life of me get an ordinary template function to get recognized by 
>CINT. I had a little piece of code like this to test:
>#include "Rtypes.h"
>template <class X>
>Bool_t TestTemplate(const X &t) {
>  size_t a = sizeof(X);
>  printf("%d\n",&a);
>I tried to .x and .L this piece of code (figuring CINT would force me 
>to always interpret the code, but that's okay with me for some 
>functions anyway); this gave me a segvio in root (version 2.23.10). I 
>tried to link it into CINT using:
>#pragme link C++ function TestTemplate*;
>but that failed, with it being unable to find the function. I tried 
>instantiating a version explicitly in the file, but then CINT 
>complained about not supporting partial template specialization.
>So, am I going about this completely wrong? Is there a way to get this 
>to work?
>George Heintzelman

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