Write histogram to a specific file

From: Stefan Stonjek (stonjek@mail.desy.de)
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 17:23:53 MET

Hello Root Users,

I have a problem with writing a histogram to a specific file.

It is no problem to read the allready existig histos in this program. They
are already filled in the same program and the "print" command clearly
indicated that the new histogram contains usefull date. But these data
does not end up in the file.

Here is the code in question. It is just an excerpt from a much longer
program with many subroutines.

  TH1F *pt_gcc_sig_etamlt18 = (TH1F*)hfile->Get("pt_gcc_sig_etamlt18");
  TH1F *pt_wcc_sig_etamlt18 = (TH1F*)hfile->Get("pt_wcc_sig_etamlt18");
  TH1F pt_sig_etamlt18 = ( *pt_gcc_sig_etamlt18 - *pt_wcc_sig_etamlt18);

Mayby it is just a stupid mistake but I hope someone is able to help me.


*********      Stefan  Stonjek     *********
*****            DESY / ZEUS           *****
*****      Stefan.Stonjek@desy.de      *****
*********  Tel.: +49-40-8998-3159  *********

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