Re: Write histogram to a specific file

From: Stefan Stonjek (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 18:36:06 MET

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Rene Brun wrote:

> > It is no problem to read the allready existig histos in this program. They
> > are already filled in the same program and the "print" command clearly
> > indicated that the new histogram contains usefull date. But these data
> > does not end up in the file.
> > 
> > Here is the code in question. It is just an excerpt from a much longer
> > program with many subroutines.
> > 
> >   TH1F *pt_gcc_sig_etamlt18 = (TH1F*)hfile->Get("pt_gcc_sig_etamlt18");
> >   TH1F *pt_wcc_sig_etamlt18 = (TH1F*)hfile->Get("pt_wcc_sig_etamlt18");
> >   hfile->cd();
> >   TH1F pt_sig_etamlt18 = ( *pt_gcc_sig_etamlt18 - *pt_wcc_sig_etamlt18);
> >   pt_sig_etamlt18.SetName("pt_sig_etamlt18");
> >   pt_sig_etamlt18.SetDirectory(hfile);
> >   pt_sig_etamlt18.Print("all");
> > 
> > Mayby it is just a stupid mistake but I hope someone is able to help me.

> You must write back the modified and new objects to the file.
> The file mmust be opened in update mode.
> To write back the modified/new objects, two possibilities
>  1- write each of them individually to the file, eg
> pt_sig_teamlt18.Write();
>  2 -write all objects to the file with file->Write();
> In your case, option 2 is probably the best.

Hello Rene,

at the end of my program I write all histos at once. The first two
histograms do end up in the file, the one generated here does not. All the
histograms which I book in the begining of the program, just after
generating the output file exist in the file. Those booked somewhere in
the program does not. 


*********      Stefan  Stonjek     *********
*****            DESY / ZEUS           *****
*****      *****
*********  Tel.: +49-40-8998-3159  *********

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