Filled polygon

From: Joakim Nystrand (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 18:40:26 MET


Can one create and fill a polygon in root? I have tried to use
TPolyLine the following way but it doesn't seem to work:

TCanvas *mycanvas = new TCanvas("mycanvas", "My Canvas",400,10,800,800);
Int_t NPoints = 4;
Float_t X[4]; X[0]=0.35; X[1]=0.45; X[2]=0.55; X[3]=0.35;
Float_t Y[4]; Y[0]=0.4;  Y[1]=0.6;  Y[2]=0.4;  Y[3]=0.4;
TPolyLine *plin = new TPolyLine(NPoints,X,Y);
plin->SetLineColor(3); //green
plin->SetFillColor(4); //blue

It seems that the SetFillColor(4) has no effect. Is this a bug, or is this
functionality not there (can it be put in?), or am I doing something
wrong. Grateful for help. 

Joakim Nystrand

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