minuit fcn

From: Gilles Orazi (Gilles.Orazi@cern.ch)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 11:57:41 MET


Is it possible to use Minuit with a fcn which is a member of an
object ?  I have some problems when trying to do it.

Here is a more precise description of what I'm trying to do:

I have created a class called DPrecAlign which contains a list of data

I also have a class called DPrecAlignWithFit declared as follows :

class DPrecAlignWithFit : public TObject {
  DPrecAlign *alignement ;
  TMinuit *fit ;

The TMinuit object is used to fit the list of data points contained in
the DPrecAlign object.

The likelihood function is computed by a method of DPrecAlign, 
declared as follows:
void DPrecAlign::fcn(...)

My problem is that when I'm trying to define this method as the minuit


I get a compiler error:
"Argument of type 'void (DPrecAlign::*)(int,double *,double,double *,int)'
could not be converted to 'void *'"

I tryed many things to solve it but nothing worked.

Thanks a lot by advance for your answers.



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