Re: memfunc template

From: George Heintzelman (
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 00:25:33 MET

Hi Masaharu,

Once again, I am impressed by your incredible efficiency!

> It was nice to meeting you at ROOT workshop. 
> About auto_ptr and member function template, I made some progress.
> As far as the class template is interpreted and the member function 
> templates are described within the template class definition, cint
> now correctly instantiates member function templates. There are 2 
> member function templates in auto_ptr. Cint5.14.31 can interpret this.
>   template<class X>
>   class auto_ptr {
>    public:
>     template<class Y> auto_ptr(const auto_ptr<Y>& y) { ... }
>     template<class Y> auto_ptr& operator=(const auto_ptr<Y>& y) { ... }
>   };


> Now, if I understand correctly, you want to use precompiled auto_ptr
> and instantiate member function template afterwards, which means member
> function template is interpreted. Looking at the auto_ptr definition, I
> could not think of ways to do so. Problems are

Yes. I think this is needed so that, for example, you can return an 
auto_ptr from a compiled function. (This is a very natural idiom for 
functions which return a 'new'ed pointer that the user is responsible 
to delete; if you return an auto_ptr instead, such functions can be 
used to create temporary objects which can be used transparently in 
expressions without the user worrying about deleting them).

Here's an example of how/why one might want to do this, without any 
real class members:

class X: public Base1 {};

class Base1: public TObject {};

auto_ptr<Base1 *> FactoryFunction() { return new X; }

and in CINT:

auto_ptr<Base1 *> p = FactoryFunction(); 
auto_ptr<TObject *> localobjs[10];  
// localobjs is a polymorphic list of resources I own to be cleaned up
// appropriately. I'm not using an STL container here because they don't
// work well with auto_ptr :(
localobjs[2] = p;                    

where the assignment will want the templated operator=. (And the 
'return new X' used the copy-constructor template, but that one 
happened in compiled code so CINT doesn't care).

Of course, the problems you note immediately arise, and I don't see any 
workarounds either, other than compiling in the template as needed, 
since a native compiler is really needed to avoid the private member 

Perhaps CINT can be smart enough to do this:

1) Keep a list of known linked-in instantiated template members for 
each class.
(perhaps with some known-to-be-useful versions (like that for derived 
classes like above) specifiable in a LinkDef ahead of time)
2) When an unknown one is needed, create a very simple temporary C++ 
code file that simply instantiates the needed template function in 
object code. It knows the header the template came from, of course, so 
this should be as simple as:

#include "templateheader.h"

template <> auto_ptr<TObject *>(auto_ptr<Base1 *>&);

3) compile with the native compiler, load in, and add to its list. 

I would probably not have 2 and 3 invoked automatically, but only upon 
user request (which does nothing if the function is already linked in, 
and which should be callable from a macro), with CINT giving an error 
message otherwise.

Do you think this would be possible? I note it only really helps if 
you've got shareable libs (otherwise you have to specify all your 
instantiations to CINT at LinkDef/makecint time), but most people using 
CINT have and use that anyway, so...


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