Re: rootcint and multiple inheritance

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sun Feb 13 2000 - 10:43:33 MET

Hi Valeri,

Yes, this is possible. see your files slightly modified below:
Run the script creating the shared lib, then run the session:
Root > gSystem->Load("test");
Root > Bclass b;
Root > b.Dump();

Rene Brun

//----script to create a small shared lib on Linux
rootcint -f testcint.cxx -c test.h LinkDef.h
g++ -g -fPIC -I$ROOTSYS/include -c testcint.cxx test.cxx
g++ -g -Wl,-soname, -shared testcint.o test.o -o 

//----LinkDef.h file
#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ class Bclass;


#include "TObject.h"

class Aclass
  int   a_member;

  virtual ~Aclass(){}

  //  ClassDef(Aclass,1)   // if this line commented - a_member is hidden
from root

class Bclass
      :public TObject
      ,public Aclass
  int b_member;

  virtual ~Bclass(){}


//-------test.cxx file
#include "test.h"
Bclass::Bclass() :Aclass()
   b_member = 1234;

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Valeri Tioukov wrote:

> Hi Rooters,
> If I have class  Aclass  used by external application and I do not want to
> do ANY changement in this class, but I'd like to make it's memebers and
> functions visible to Root system (for storage and analisys purpose)
> inheriting new Bclass as following:
> class Bclass
>       :public TObject
>       ,public Aclass
> Is it possible?
> I investigate that without including macros   ClassDef(Aclass,1) into the
> body of Aclass  rootcint do not generate  Streamer() and  
> ShowMembers() functions. Just mentioning of Aclass in LinkDef.h do not
> helps.
> So it seems that the answer is NOT: it is not possible to make the members
> of classA visible to Root without changements of classA body.
> But the same question was asqued at least twice:
> and in both cases the answers were a bit confusing but positive.
> Why do not find the definite answer and add it to FAQ? 
> I used for tests:
> ----------------test.h------------
> #include "TObject.h"
> class Aclass
> {
>  private:
>   int   a_member;
>  public:
>   Aclass(){}
>   virtual ~Aclass(){}
>   //  ClassDef(Aclass,1)   // if this line commented - a_member is hidden  from root
> };
> class Bclass
>       :public TObject
>       ,public Aclass
> {
>   private:
>   int b_member;
>  public:
>   Bclass():Aclass(){}
>   virtual ~Bclass(){}
>   ClassDef(Bclass,1)
> };
> -----------------------------------
> ---------LinkDef.h----------------------
> #ifdef __CINT__
> #pragma link off all globals;
> #pragma link off all classes;
> #pragma link off all functions;
> #pragma link C++ class Aclass;
> #pragma link C++ class Bclass;
> #endif
> ---------------------------------------
> Without the commented line command
>  >  rootcint -f test_h.C -c test.h LinkDef.h
> do not care about members of Aclass.
> Best regards
> Valeri

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