Segmentation violation using TNamed

From: Laurent CONIN (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 11:36:31 MET


I'm using TNamed ject (TH1D) in my code. I want to copy and rename them.

you can find below an  example of segmentation violation error I get.

I get an eror on both Linux (compile with g++) an HP (compile with aCC)

It Crash in first loop.

It pass first loop if i comment out first SetObject statement
but it crash in second loop

It pass second loop if i comment out second SetObject statement

Is there a bug on SetObject or am i doing something wrong ?

Laurent Conin

Ps; my Root version is 2.22/10

#include <strstream.h>
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TH1.h"
int main(){

  TROOT HbtRoot("Test", "Test");
  TH1D* test=new TH1D("test","test",100,0.,1.);
  test->SetObject("test_b","test_b");  // first SetObject

  cout << "first loop OK" << endl;

  TH1D **test2=new TH1D*[1000];
  strstream *str;

  int i;

  // first loop
   for(i=0;i<1000;i++) {
    str=new strstream;
    *str << "test2_" << i ;
    cout <<str->str()<< endl;
     test2[i]=new TH1D(str->str(),str->str(),100,0.,1.);
    *str << "_b";
    test2[i]->SetObject(str->str(),str->str());  //Second SetObject
     delete str;

   //second loop
   for(i=0;i<1000;i++) { cout << i << endl;test2[i]->Delete();}
   delete [] test2;

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