Finding Memory Leaks in Root programs

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 16:04:23 MET

In the past few days, I had to process several problems related to
leaks in user applications. It was easy to find the origin of all these
by using a Root utility.
  When you suspect a leak (say in an event loop for example), just add
the following statement:
at regular intervals in your loop(s)
(In a compiled program, add #include TObjectTable.h")
This will show a table with the number of objects per class.
To take advantage of this facility, you must also activate it in your
.rootrc file.
    Root.ObjectStat:         1

Obviously TObjectTable::Print will not be able to find all the leaks
in your program, but I have seen that most leaks coming from C++
can be traced this way.

Rene Brun

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