Thanks Rene, by the end of day I started to understand things... The magic G__p2f2funcname call was a bit confusing but finally I realised I do not need it at all if I already have a name of my function. The bytecode works hundreds of times faster than my ProcessLine implementation. /Anton Anton, As shown by Pasha, you can always call gROOT->ProcessLine from the compiled code to execute via the interpreter. However, this may be a very slow procedure in the case you intend to use this service. As you were guessing, my answer is "yes, look in the second TF1 constructor". This is a real example and you have to understand each of the following lines - in the constructor char *funcname = G__p2f2funcname(fcn); SetTitle(funcname); if (funcname) { fMethodCall = new TMethodCall(); fMethodCall->InitWithPrototype(funcname,"Double_t*,Double_t*"); fNumber = -1; } else { Printf("Function:%s cannot be compiled",name); } - in TF1::EvalPar Double_t result = 0; if (fMethodCall) fMethodCall->Execute(result); It is up to you to do the bookeeping of fMethodCall as well as the function name. The method above is efficient. Each call to fMethodCall->Execute executes pre-compiled bytecode as opposed to string interpretation in the case of gROOT->ProcessLine. Rene Brun On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Anton Fokin wrote: > Hello! > > I am in troubles with calling interpreter function from compiled code. > > Let's say I have compiled class > > class TMyClass { > private: > Float_t (*fFunc) (); > public: > void SetFunction(const char* Macro); > Float_t Function() { return (*fFunc)() } > }; > > > and a macro in Macro.C file > > Float_t > MyFunc() > { > printf("the answer is ...\n"); > return 42; > } > > now I would like to write in my compiled program: > > > TMyClass *MyClass = new TMyClass(); > MyClass->SetFunction("Macro.C"); > Float_t Answer = MyClass->Function(); > > > How TMyClass::SetFunction(const char* Macro) should look like? I am sure you > suggest me to look into TF1 implementation, but could you write a few lines > of example code instead? I hope it helps others too ... > > Best regards, > Anton >
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