How to use CompileVariables on root v2.23/12

From: Yongzhao Zhou (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 16:39:44 MET

Hi, Rooters,
I have the statements on root v2.20 on AIX v4.3 as

   Int_t Nevent = (Int_t)tr->GetEntries();
   Float_t *x = new Float_t[Nevent];
   Float_t *y = new Float_t[Nevent];
   tr->CompileVariables(varexp, "");

and try to convert into root v2.23 as follows:

   Int_t Nevent = (Int_t)tr->GetEntries();
   Float_t *x = new Float_t[Nevent];
   Float_t *y = new Float_t[Nevent];
   //tr->CompileVariables(varexp, "");

   TVirtualTreePlayer *zzz =  tr-> GetPlayer();
   TTreePlayer * zhoutry; 
   zzz-> SetPlayer("zhoutry"); 
   zhoutry->CompileVariables(varexp, "");
It is passed by compiling and linking but always gotten a message when the 
program touches the statement of zhoutry->CompileVariables(varexp, ""):

   *** Break *** segmentation violation

How can I use the class TTreePlayer to get function CompileVariables?
Thanks for any help.
Yongzhao Zhou, KLOE, LNF, INFN, Italy
Tel:39-06-94032696 Fax:39-06-94032427

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