Re: Win NT and Tree->Draw()

From: Valeri Fine (Faine) (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 20:55:06 MET

 Hi, Dimitris

> I have filled a tree with a standalone c++ program and I have created the dll that corresponds
>  to the class I have > created. Then I go to interactive mode, I load the dll with gSystem->Load etc.
>  Then I open the file that contains the tree and attempt to plot a variable with T->Draw(...). 
> I get the error:

> Load Error: Dynamic link library D:\root\bin\Root_TreePlayer.dll can not load

 I wonder this is because of DLL search path defined by ".rootrc" file.

 If this file was not found when you start your root session or it doesn't point
 $ROOTSYS/bin then ROOT "thinks" there is no DLL and it didn't try to load


> I have checked that this dll actually does exist in the directory ...\bin. 
> Is this information enough to conclude what I did wrong?

You can check this just try to load that DLL by hand as well.
If it fails try again providing the full path to DLL


  Hope this helps,

Below is the result of T->Print()

root [5] T->Print()
*Tree    :T         : hello                                                  *
*Entries :    15507 : Total  Size =  19085418 bytes  File  Size =    7481805 *
*        :          : Tree compression factor =   2.55                       *
*Branch  :event     : event                                                  *
*Entries :    15507 : Total  Size =  19076611 bytes  File Size  =    7472998 *
*Baskets :      620 : Basket Size =     32000 bytes  Compression=   2.55     *

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