Re: Position of a GUI window on the screen

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 16:14:24 MET

Hi Rainer,

  the window position reported by GetWindowSize() is relative to the
parent of the window. The parent of a top level window is the window
put around it by the window manager. Some window managers put even
more than one window around a user's top level window. So one has to
take the offset, not of the direct parent, but of the X11 root window:

Window_t wdum;
int x,y;

where g is your TGMainFrame. Check this with the xwininfo system command.

Cheers, Fons.

ROHLFS Reiner wrote:
> Hi ROOT team,
> How can I get the position of a GUI window (TGMainFrame) on the screen?
> The function TVirtualX::GetWindowSize() returns always 0 for the x an y
> parameter, independent of the position of the window on the screen.
> The TGMainFrame class has a SetWMPosition() - method but no GetWMPosition().
> Thanks Reiner.

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