RE:error message tweak

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 00:54:20 MET

Hello David,

This is a fair suggestion.  I will make this change to the original

Thank you
Masaharu Goto

Hi all,

Could I suggest a change to a rootcint error message?  If you run the
following header through rootcint

// File: myClass.h
#include <nonexistent.h>

class A {};
// EOF

with the command, "rootcint -f myClass.C myClass.h", you'll get an error
message that reads:

Error: source file "nonexistent.h" cannot open  FILE:myClass.h LINE:3

This is confusing - the message makes it sound like rootcint failed to
open the file "myClass.h" while otherwise successfully processing the
file "nonexistent.h".  I haven't actually tried the following patch, but
barring any silly mistakes on my part, it just swaps subject and object
to be clearer about the actual source of the problem.

--- CINT_loadfile.c.orig        Fri Mar 17 08:42:28 2000
+++ CINT_loadfile.c     Fri Mar 17 08:44:17 2000
@@ -1231,11 +1231,11 @@
     if(0==G__ispragmainclude) {
-      fprintf(G__serr,"Error: source file \"%s\" cannot open ",
+      fprintf(G__serr,"Error: cannot open file \"%s\" ", filename);
-    fprintf(G__serr,"Error: source file \"%s\" cannot open ",
+    fprintf(G__serr,"Error: cannot open file \"%s\" ", filename);


David Morrison  Brookhaven National Laboratory  phone: 631-344-5840
                Physics Department, Bldg 510 C    fax: 631-344-3253
                          Upton, NY 11973-5000  email:

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