non split mode for a TClonesArrai in a TBranch

From: Yves SCHUTZ (
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 18:27:12 MET


How can I write a TClonesArray in NON SPLIT
MODE to a branc in tree. Doing

    TClonesArray * list = new TClonesArray( ...
   T->Branch(branchname, "TClonesArray" &list,
fBufferSize,0) ;

With that I cannot  read back the array, I get an
error on Expand()


|Yves SCHUTZ  (IN2P3 - CNRS) collaboration TAPS/WA98/ALICE         |
|SUBATECH                                                          |
|Ecole des Mines de Nantes Telephone: (+33/0) 2 51 85 84 71        |
|4, rue Alfred Kastler     Fax      : (+33/0) 2 51 85 84 24        |
|F-44070 Nantes cedex 03   e-mail   :|

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