Variadic arguments, Digital Unix, and rootcint

From: Christian Holm Christensen (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 18:29:36 MET

Hi ROOT'ers, 

As some of you may (or may not) have noticed, I recently proposed a
TException class. Though it is not the purpose of this mail to further
that discussion, I'll use it to illustrate a my problem. You can find
the source code for this class at: 

(Note: is a bit unstable, so keep trying - evntually
you'll get there - sorry about that.) 

My problem is this: I have an Abstract Base Class (ABC), that has a
method that takes a "va_list" argument e.g.: 

  #define MakeErrorString(X) va_list ap; va_start(ap,X); \
     SetErrorString(X,ap); va_end(ap);

  class TException : public TObject {
    virtual void SetErrorString(const Char_t* fmt, void* ap);
    ClassDef(TException,0) // ABC Exception class for ROOT 

And then I have some classes inheriting from this ABC, using the above
mentioned method, e.g.

  class TWarning : public TException {
    TWarning(const Char_t* location, const Char_t* fmt, ...) 
      : TException(kWarning,location) {  MakeErrorString(fmt); }
    void* Execute(void* arg=0) { return &fExitCode; }
    ClassDef(TWarning,0) // Warning exception class for ROOT

Each of these classes could potentially be used in an interactive ROOT
session, so I need to run "rootcint" to get the appropiate interface
functions. On Digital Unix w/EGCS 1.1.2, this works fine up until I
try to compile the source file created by "rootcint". Then the
compiler fails miserably with: 

  g++ -I./ -mcpu=ev5 -D__osf__ -D__alpha -I/opt/osf1/root/new/include -g -fPIC -Wall -O2 -c -o  EXCEPTION_Cint.o EXCEPTION_Cint.cxx 
  EXCEPTION_Cint.cxx: In function `int G__TException_SetErrorString_2_0(struct G__value *, const char *, struct G__param *, int)':
  EXCEPTION_Cint.cxx:162: no matching function for call to `__gnuc_va_list::$_0 (long int)'
  /opt/osf1/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-dec-osf4.0d/egcs-2.91.66/include/va-alpha.h:22: candidates are: __gnuc_va_list::$_0(const {anonymous struct} &)
  /opt/osf1/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-dec-osf4.0d/egcs-2.91.66/include/va-alpha.h:22:                 __gnuc_va_list::$_0()

It seems that the fault is in the "rootcint" generated file
"EXCEPTION_Cint.cxx" at the lines:

  static int G__TException_SetErrorString_2_0(G__value *result7,
                                              G__CONST char *funcname,
                                              struct G__param *libp,
                                              int hash) {
      ->SetErrorString((const Char_t*)G__int(libp->para[0]),
    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;

(slightly reformated for your viewing pleasure), in particular in the
cast to "va_list" in the 8th line above. 

Now, is this a limitation of ROOT/Cint (I've seen the warning in
"cint/include/stdarg.h"), and if so, is there any plans to remedy
this? If not, is it due to some error on my part, or is my code FUBAR?  

Everything works nicely in a Linux Box though  (2.2.12 kernel, EGCS
1.1.2, GLIBC 2.1), as you'd expect.  

I'd be happy to hear any suggestions you might have. Thanks! 

Christian  -----------------------------------------------------------
Holm Christensen                             Phone:  (+45) 35 35 96 91 
  Sankt Hansgade 23, 1. th.                  Office: (+45) 353  25 305 
  DK-2200 Copenhagen N                       Web:    
  Denmark                                    Email:

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