Font size

From: Patrick Dupre LCMI (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 04:09:21 MET


I paln to change the size of the axis font, so I expected that I could
do something like :
  TGraph *graph = new TGraph ((Int_t) nbpt, x, data->Addr_y ()) ;
  TAxis *AxisAtt = graph->GetXaxis () ;
  AxisAtt->SetLabelFont (20) ;

But it make a segmentation fault,
How can I do ?

   Patrick DUPRE                |   |   Tel:  (33 4) 76-88-78-51
   CNRS/LCMI (GHMFL)            |   |   Fax:  (33 4) 76-85-56-10
   25 Rue des Martyrs, BP 166   |   |
   F-38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 09    |   |   email:

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