Dear Rooters, I encounter the following problems using ROOT files : I have created a class TStint, which contains just an Int_t. This class TStint derives from TObject, so it can be saved into a file. The code for this extremely short class is given in the joined files TStint.h and TStint.cpp. I have compiled and linked the class Stint and then I have tried the following macro testf3.C ; { TFile f1("litstat1.root","RECREATE"); TStint stia(1); stia.Write("sti"); stia.Set(2); stia.Write("sti"); f1.Close(); Int_t i1; TFile f3("litstat1.root","READ"); TIter nextkey3(f3.GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key3; TStint *stic; while (key3 = (TKey *)nextkey3()) { stic = (TStint *)key3->ReadObj(); i1 = stic->Get(); cout << "i1 : " << i1 << endl; } f3.Close(); } Running this macro, one gets : root[0] .x testf3.C i1 : 2 i1 : 1 root[1] The file is read in reverse order. Why ? In addition, I have tried the following macro testf4.C, which tries to read 2 files at the same time : { TFile f1("litstat1.root","RECREATE"); TStint stia(1); stia.Write("sti"); stia.Set(2); stia.Write("sti"); f1.Close(); TFile f2("litstat2.root","RECREATE"); TStint stib(3); stib.Write("sti"); stib.Set(4); stib.Write("sti"); f2.Close(); Int_t i1,i2; TStint *stic; TStint *stid; TKey *key3; TKey *key4; TFile f3("litstat1.root","READ"); TIter nextkey3(f3.GetListOfKeys()); TFile f4("litstat2.root","READ"); TIter nextkey4(f4.GetListOfKeys()); while (key3 = (TKey *)nextkey3()) { key4 = (TKey *)nextkey4(); stic = (TStint *)key3->ReadObj(); stid = (TStint *)key4->ReadObj(); i1 = stic->Get(); i2 = stid->Get(); cout << "i1 : " << i1 << " i2 : " << i2 << endl; } f3.Close(); f4.Close(); } Here the result is entirely wrong. It gives : root[0] .x testf4.C i1 : 4 i2 : 4 i1 : 3 i2 : 3 root[1] File f4 is read twice and in reverse order, and file f3 is not read ? What am I doing wrong ? I use ROOT 2.23/12 on Windows NT. Thanks a lot if you can help me. F.X. Gentit DAPNIA/SPP CEN Saclay tel : 01 69 08 30 38 fax : 01 69 08 64 28 web : <<TStint.h>> <<TStint.cpp>> <<testf3.C>> <<testf4.C>>
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