TTreeFormula using a TTreeFormula?

From: Gene Van Buren (
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 22:14:28 MEST

Hi. I'm curious as to why TTreeFormula does not recognize
other TTreeFormulas during Analyze()? It does recognize
normal TFormulas, but not TTreeFormulas.

For example, let's say I have a TTree* t1 with variable v1:

This works:

TFormula f1("form1","3+5");
TTreeFormula f2("form2","form1+v1",t1);

But this does not:

TTreeFormula f3("form3","v1+4",t1);
TTreeFormula f4("form4","form3+v1",t1);

When creating f4, it cannot find form3. It seems useful to me
that a TTreeFormula associated with a given TTree
be able to use any other TTreeFormula associated
with that TTree. This would simply mean that each TTree
keeps a list of its associated formulae, just as gROOT keeps
a list of regular TFormulas, and that this list be searched
for matching formula names within Analyze().

On the technical side, I think this could be done by moving
the "Look for an already defined expression" portion of
Analyze() into a second member function
AnalyzeDefinedExpression() or something like that, which
would be virtual and re-defined in TTreeFormula so that
it can search the associated TTree's list of formula in
addition to gROOT's list.

Another way to do it would be to add a line in TFormula at:
              oldformula =
(TFormula*)gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject((const char*)chaine);

             if (!oldformula) oldformula =

Then, TFormula* LookForSpecialFormula() could be a virtual
function with {return 0;} in TFormula, but a search of the
associated TTree's formulas in TTreeFormula.

The end result of all of this would be that someone could define
TTreeFormula's to use in the TTree::Scan() and TTree::Draw()
member functions. That would be nice:

(t1 points to a TTree with variables Px,Py,rapidity)
TTreeFormula f5("Pt","sqrt((Px^2)+(Py^2))",t1);

-Gene Van Buren

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