Re: [ROOT] Many cuts on an ntuple and h2root

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 19:15:55 MEST

Could you give me an Hbook file and a Root macro with your list
of cuts ?

Rene Brun

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Huw Shorthouse wrote:

> I don't know if there's a good explaination but for some reason I can't
> apply lots of cuts to an ntuple at the same time.  All combinations of the
> cuts work and they also all work together in paw.  I'm trying to plot a
> histogram with:    chain->Draw("variable>>+hist", cut1 && cut2 && ...); 
> (I have tried combining them with TCut somecuts = cut1 && cut2 && ...
> which not surprisingly didn't do anything.)  Can anybody help?
> Also I've noticed a very strange thing as have a couple of other people.
> When we've converted hbook files with h2root and plotted various variables
> from an ntuple the number of entries in the root histogram is a lot less
> than in the paw histogram.  This has happened with completly unrealted
> hbook files.  Are we doing something wrong?
> Cheers,
>         Huw

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