[ROOT] Linker

From: Patrick Dupre LCMI (pdupre@labs.polycnrs-gre.fr)
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 23:44:55 MEST


I had to mimic some of the Root class like TGListView, however, I get a
error when I like my objects file :

TGLineView.o: In function `TGLineVEntry::TGLineVEntry(TGWindow const *, TGString *, TGString **, unsigned int, unsigned long)':

TGLineView.o(.text+0x52): undefined reference to `TGLineVEntry::fgDefaultGC'

TGLineView.o(.text+0x5a): undefined reference to `TGLineVEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct'

These errors are connected to the static variables, it seems that my
variables are unable the share the right memory space. How can this be
fixed ?
May be I could try to get the values of fgDefaultFontStruct, fgDefaultGC,
fgSelPixel by another way ?

Thank for your help.

   Patrick DUPRE                |   |   Tel:  (33 4) 76-88-78-51
   CNRS/LCMI (GHMFL)            |   |   Fax:  (33 4) 76-85-56-10
   25 Rue des Martyrs, BP 166   |   |   http://eschyle.polycnrs-gre.fr
   F-38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 09    |   |   email: pdupre@polycnrs-gre.fr

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