[ROOT] Building ROOT

From: Airat A. Sadreev (airat@hq.tatenergo.ru)
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 08:38:34 MEST

I'm working on WinNT. I tried to build ROOT from root224.cmz.


I followed instructions in README_install_root file:
     cmz > file root
     cmz > exec setup
     cmz > install
     cmz > exit

Files *.dll and *.lib was created but it have very little size (4-10 kb per

What is wrong?


Then I followed  instructions in cmz deck README in the root224.cmz file. I
created cmzlogon.kumac file and executed next commands:

   root > install - O
   root > exit

ROOT was builded ok, but linker issued numerous warnings. Then I compared
sizes of *.dll files produced agains sizes of *.dll files in file
root_v2.24.x86.Windows_NT.tar.gz and noticed that dll's in
root_v2.24.x86.Windows_NT.tar.gz are smaller.

What is the right way to build ROOT?

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