[ROOT] More on: TTree: drawing leaves with different # of entries

From: Gene Van Buren (gene@bnl.gov)
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 20:55:23 MEST

Hi. I've found, with the help of Bill Love, that the problem
with fNdata=2 instead of 1 goes away for my primary
vertex data (once per event), if I DON'T USE TClonesArray
for the once per event information. The trade-off is
that not using TClonesArray means the whole primary vertex
(or event header) class is read in for each event. That's
not a big deal when evaluating thousands of secondary
vertices per event, whereupon most of the time is spent
with the secondary vertices, but it is a big deal if I have
a large collection of events with only a few vertices each.
Especially if I start adding more and more info to the event
header. My preference would be to fix the loophole in
the TClonesArray case.

-Gene Van Buren

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