Re: [ROOT] How does one intelligently manage input from multiple files?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Apr 20 2000 - 13:31:46 MEST

Hi Birger,
Here is a small example showing how to solve your problem.

   TFile f1("file1.root");
   TTree *t1=(TTree*)f1.Get("T");
   TFile f2("file2.root");
   TTree *t2=(TTree*)f2.Get("T");
   TH1F h1("h1","test1",100,0,1);
   TH1F h2("h2","test2",100,0,1);

Rene Brun

Birger Koblitz wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some root-files converted from hbook files containing ntuples. They
> all have the same name, h133. Now I would like to plot some variables out
> of these files on top of each other, the files contain different MC's.
> What I am doing now is:
> // A list of files
> char *fname[]={"qcdins.root","qcdins_196.root","qcdins_234.root"};
> char *hname[]={"h01","h02","h03"};
> char strbuf[32];
> // Read in the files:
>   ....
> for(i=0;i<3;i++){
>   // CD into the dirs
>   strcpy(strbuf,fname[i]);
>   strcat(strbuf,":HZINS");
>   ((TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(fname[i]))->cd(strbuf);
>   histo=new TH1F(hname[i]," ",20,minx,maxx);
>   strcpy(strbuf,"x"); // x is the variable name to be plotted
>   strcat(strbuf,">>");
>   strcat(strbuf,hname[i]);
>   h133->Draw(strbuf,"wght*(ptje>1.)");
>   if(i==0){
>     histo[i]->DrawClone();
>   }else{
>     histo[i]->DrawClone("same");
>   }
>   c1->Update();
> }
> This does not work, probably because the histos are created in the
> subdirs, they are drawn once but vanish when the next histo is plotted.
> How does one get them into a common dir, can't one make then somewhat
> global?
> Why does it not help to use DrawClone or DrawCopy?
> Can someone give me a hint how one should do this?
> Thanks in advance,
>   Birger
> /------------------------------------------------------------\
> | Birger Koblitz               |
> | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik                            |
> | (Werner Heisenberg-Institut)                               |
> | DESY-FH1K                         Tel. (40) 8998-3971      |
> | Notkestr. 85                                               |
> | D-22603  HAMBURG                                           |
> \------------------------------------------------------------/

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