[ROOT] Tickmarks on log scale

From: lijowski@cosray2.wustl.edu
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 19:51:11 MEST


   How to force root to draw tickmarks and labels on X - axis
   in root  2.24/02?
   Thank you and regards.

    Michal Lijowski

   TCanvas *cc1 = new TCanvas("cc1", "My Canvas", 600, 800);
   gStyle -> SetLabelOffset(0.00001, "X");

 //  cc1 -> SetBottomMargin(0.15);
   cc1 -> SetLeftMargin(0.15);
   cc1 -> SetTicks();
   cc1 -> SetLogx();
   cc1 -> SetLogy();

// define plot ranges with histogram class

  Float_t  xxmin =  100.0;
  Float_t  xxmax =  150.0;
  Float_t  yymin = 1.0E-9;
  Float_t  yymax = 2.0E-6;

  TH2F *HH = new TH2F("HH", "Axis Test", 2, xxmin, xxmax, 2, yymin, yymax);
  printf(" NDiv %d\n", HH -> GetXaxis() -> GetNdivisions());
  HH -> GetXaxis() -> SetNdivisions(-100);
  printf(" NDiv %d\n", HH -> GetXaxis() -> GetNdivisions());
  Float_t  LabelSize = 0.03;
  HH -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelOffset(-0.02);
  HH -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(LabelSize);
  HH -> Draw();
  printf(" Label offset  %9.3E\n", gStyle -> GetLabelOffset("X"));
   TText *xlabel = new TText();
   xlabel -> SetTextFont(62);
   xlabel -> SetTextColor(1);
   xlabel -> SetTextSize(0.05);
   xlabel -> SetTextAlign(22);
   xlabel -> SetTextAngle(0);
   TLatex *ylabel = new TLatex();
   ylabel -> SetTextFont(62);
   ylabel -> SetTextColor(1);
   ylabel -> SetTextSize(0.05);
   ylabel -> SetTextAlign(22);
   ylabel -> SetTextAngle(90);

   Char_t  tmpstr[60];
   sprintf(tmpstr, "Kinetic Energy (MeV/nucleon)");
   xlabel-> SetNDC();
   xlabel -> DrawText(0.50, 0.033, tmpstr);
   sprintf(tmpstr, "Flux (particles/(cm^{2}-sr-s-MeV/nucleon))");
   ylabel-> SetNDC();
   ylabel -> DrawLatex(0.03, 0.50, tmpstr);
   cc1 -> Update();


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