Re: [ROOT] SetHistLineWidth question again

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 10:56:14 MEST

Hi Michal,
When one projects a TTree into an histogram, the histogram inherits the Tree
attributes and not the current style attributes. This gives the possibility
to project two Trees with different attributes into the same picture.
The problem, in your case, is that TTree was not able to use the current style,
despite the call to ForceStyle because the function TTree::useCurrentStyle
was not implemented.
I have now implemented it in the dev version 2.24/06. With this version,
your macro will work as expected.

Thanks for reporting this anomaly.

Rene Brun wrote:
>   Hello,
>  I have the following rootlogon.C file.
> {
>   gROOT -> SetStyle("Plain");
>   gStyle -> SetOptStat(10);
>   gStyle -> SetTitleBorderSize(0);
>   gStyle -> SetStatBorderSize(0);
>   gStyle -> SetHistLineWidth(8);
>   gStyle -> SetHistLineColor(2);
>   gROOT -> ForceStyle();
> }
>   But when I plot 1D histograms using tree entries the line of the
>   displayed and Postscript histogram contour is black and its line width is 1.
>   The compiled program which generated tree was using the default style,
>   i.e., no gStyle options were specified.
>   All other gStyle options listed above work fine giving expected results.
>   Thank you and best regards,
>    Michal Lijowski

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