Re: [ROOT] TControlBar

From: Ingo Strauch (
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 11:31:17 MEST

Rene Brun wrote:
> Hi Ingo,
> You can use directly the close window of the window manager at the top right.

Hm, that's not really elegant, I for example run my window manager without a
'close window' button. I could use the Fvwm-Window-Ops 'delete' and 'destroy',
but I run into trouble then!

When I close the window via 'Destroy' I get an error message

root [1] Error in <RootX11IOErrorHandler>: fatal X11 error (connection to
server lost?!)

**** Save data and exit application ****

and I can't run the same macro twice (segmentation violation) -> so 'Destroy'
is too "aggressive".

When I close the window via 'Delete' I am able to run the macro again and
again (.x demos.C; close window; .x demos.C; close window and so on), but
after closing it, the TControlBar object is still in memory and I can do
'bar->Print()', 'bar->Dump()', but when I try 'bar->Show()' I get a seg fault.

I encountered none of those problems when I provided an own close button with
action "bar->Delete()". After that, there is no symbol 'bar' left in CINT so I
can't abuse it with a 'bar->Show()'.

I just think that it would be best to have a solution running on every
machine. I agree that using the fvwm-delete doesn't cause problems if I simply
do not not try to show the bar-object by hand after closing the window. But
that's a common rule: if people have the possibility to make an error they
will do it some time. Even if the action obviously doesn't make sense after
one has fully understood what has happened.

So I would propose to include a close button again (at least it's a tutorial,
something a beginner is likely to take for 100% working).


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