There is a bug in TMap and TObjArray in ROOT 2.24.05. I can't be any more specific that this, because the error message printed by ROOT is meaningless (i.e. the ubiquitous "segmentation violation" message). I have, however, attached a file named CollectionBug.cxx which reproduces the bug. The bug is only present when CollectionBug.cxx is interpreted by ROOT. It runs fine when compiled. Here is the output from ROOT: root [0] .L CollectionBug.cxx root [1] CollectionBug bug; root [2] bug.Print(); baz foo bar *** Break *** segmentation violation Root > Function Print() busy flag cleared Regards, Matt -- Matthew D. Langston SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU #ifndef __CINT__ #include <TObjString.h> #include <TObjArray.h> #include <TMap.h> #include <iostream> #endif class CollectionBug { public: CollectionBug(); void Print(); private: TMap* fMap; }; #ifndef __CINT__ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { CollectionBug bug; bug.Print(); } #endif CollectionBug::CollectionBug() { fMap = new TMap(); TObjArray* files; files = new TObjArray(); files->Add( new TObjString( "1" ) ); fMap->Add( new TObjString( "foo" ), files ); files = new TObjArray(); files->Add( new TObjString( "1" ) ); fMap->Add( new TObjString( "bar" ), files ); files = new TObjArray(); files->Add( new TObjString( "1" ) ); fMap->Add( new TObjString( "baz" ), files ); } void CollectionBug::Print() { TObjString* name; TIter next_dataset( fMap ); while ( ( name = dynamic_cast< TObjString* >( next_dataset() ) ) != 0 ) { cout << name->String() << endl; TObjArray* files = dynamic_cast< TObjArray* >( fMap->GetValue( name ) ); TIter next_file( files ); } } // Local variables: // compile-command: "g++ `root-config --cflags --libs` -Wl,-rpath,$ROOTSYS/lib -Wall CollectionBug.cxx -o CollectionBug" // End:
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