Re: [ROOT] TLatex question

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 12:24:52 MEST

Hi Claire,

Claire Gwenlan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just wondering whether there is any symbol  to put a slash through
> letters using the TLatex class. For example, I want to have a slash
> through E_T for the missing transverse energy.

What do you mean exactly by a "slash through letters" ?
The / is a valid latex character.

> Also, is it possible for my to have primes. I want to have X_{3'}, but
> when you do the:
> t->DrawLatex(x,y,"X_{3'}");
> it won't do it because it reads the prime as a single quote I suppose?

In version 2.24/05 and before the character ' was a special character
forcing the drawing of a TLatex object as a TText object.
I have removed this feature in my dev version 2.24/06 where you will be able
to draw your string above.

Rene Brun

> Thanks,
> Claire
>  __________________________________
>  Claire Gwenlan
>  Department of Physics & Astronomy
>  University College London
>  Gower Street
>  WC1E 6BT
>  Tel: (0171) 419 3454
> _________________________________

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