[ROOT] MakeClass and variables names

From: Patois Yannick (patois@ganil.fr)
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 18:26:14 MEST


I got a TTree looking like :

      |           |--subbranch1a--.
      |           :               |-- T (leaf)
      |           .               :
      |           |--subbranch2a--.
      |           :               |-- T (leaf)
      |           .               :

When I run MakeClass, I got variables names like this :

It seems OK except that subbranch1a and subbranch1b has the same name.
There shouldnt be confusion anywhere as one is clearly part of the
branch1 and the other of branch 2 (in fact not only the name of the
variable is different, but also theyr type).

But MakeClass ignore that and duplicate the identifiers.

I know that over a certain complexity of the code I probably shouldnt
use 'MakeClass' and do it myself. Of course, it would be great to have a
MakeClass which would generate a code using the structured Class instead
of flatening everything...

But in the meantime, why is MakeClass starting naming objects one lever
below its root ? One would expect a naming like branch1_subbranch1a_T
that would be unambiguous.

Maybe I could do it myself except that I dont really understand how ROOT
connect "subbranch_T", because when I call :
   subbranch_T = fTree->GetBranch("subbranch.T");
there are two possible matchs, as subbranch1a and subbranch1b has the
same name.

If I try to start from the root for naming :

Error in <TTree::SetBranchAddress>: unknown branch -> branch1.subbranch.T

I use ROOT version 2.23/11 (and tried with 2.24/05) on linux i586.


PS: I solved the problem by loading the object itself :

Then I can access to any member of it with branch1->subbranch.T
Couldnt MakeClass use the same approach ?

 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
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