[ROOT] rootcint Streamer doesn't handle map<string, Int_t> correctly

From: Matthew D. Langston (langston@SLAC.stanford.edu)
Date: Sun Jun 11 2000 - 06:46:26 MEST

It appears that rootcint generated Streamers don't handle simple maps

Although rootcint appears to parse maps correctly (i.e. there are no
error messages when rootcint parses a class deriving from TObject that
contains a map<string, Int_t>), the generated Streamer either doesn't
write them to a file properly, read them from a file properly, or both.

Can someone confirm this behavior for me?  If rootcint generated
Streamers for maps really don't work properly, then may I ask the ROOT
Team to put this in the TODO list for a future release of ROOT please?

Does anyone have a list of what standard C++ containers are handled
properly by rootcint?  I have verified that rootcint generated Streamers
for classes containing vector< Int_t > work.  However, before I just
"hunt and peck" for what standard C++ containers work and don't work
with rootcint, I wanted to ask roottalk for any collective experience

It would sure be nice if things like map< string, TH1* > would
eventually work properly.

Matthew D. Langston
SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

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