[ROOT] Problems with setting bounding box for encapsulated Postscript

From: gora@solar2.ucr.edu
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 04:22:34 MEST

  I am trying to use TPostScript.Range() to set the size of the bounding box
for the encapsulated Postscript output, but the specified range does not seem
to affect the size of the bounding box. Viz., if I take the macro from the
Postscript HOWTO on the ROOT webpage, but try to use EPS instead of PS, with
   TPostScript myps("myfile.eps", 113)
   myps.Range(20, 10);
   TF1 *fun1 = new TF1("fun1", "5.828+x-4*sqrt(1.207*x+2.9138)", 0, 2.414);
I get a bounding box of size 0 0 567 765, which is 20cm X 27cm. The picture,
however, is indeed the right size. I think it makes more sense to have the
size of the bounding box match that of the picture, as then you can include
a figure of a specfic size into your Latex documents.


P.S. This is with Root 2.24.05 on a Suse 6.2 Linux box, compiled with
     g++ 2.95.2

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