[ROOT] TLorentzVector

From: Ingo Strauch (strauch@toots.physik.rwth-aachen.de)
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 14:16:43 MEST

Hi Rooters!

I've seen many requests for double precision fullfilled in the new ROOT
version, but I want to go the other way round:

Since ROOT 2.24/02 the TLorentzVector HAS A TVector3 and that means
sizeof(TLorentzVector) == 56 Bytes and when creating an object, 4 constructors
are called.

Since we want to store particles (containing a fourvector) in a micro-DST, the
TLorentzVector is sort of too big for our purposes. A fourvector class just
containing 4 datamembers (floats, we anyway don't need double precision) would
save 50% in size and number of constructor calls (and destructors, too...).

We of course could implement such a class ourselves, but I think it would be
better to have it as an official class (and maybe it is of general interest).


Ingo Strauch       Budapester Str. 30, 20359 Hamburg, Tel.: +49 40 7421 4722
DESY, Group H1/AAC1, Room 1c354      | I.Phys.Inst. RWTH Aachen, Room 28B210
Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg          |       Sommerfeldstr. 14, 52056 Aachen
Tel: +49 40 8998-2312 / Fax: -4385   |  Tel: +49 241 80-7183 / Fax: 8888-661
strauch@mail.desy.de                 |   strauch@toots.physik.rwth-aachen.de
www-h1.desy.de/~strauch/      or      www-users.rwth-aachen.de/Ingo.Strauch/

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