Re: [ROOT] Simple TLatex line \Delta{E}

From: Patois Yannick (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 21:09:14 MEST


If I had only one comment to add on this subject, the thing that I found
the most surprising with the current implementation, is that the bracket
'{ is displayed when one write {#Delta}E.
The goal of the brackets here are only to delimit the action of the
interpretor, and in latex, one *has to* write \{ to get a real bracket.

On this point TLatex is somewhat incoherent, because when writing U_{n}
the bracket are (of course) not displayed.

I undetstand that for the interpretor _ is a function with arguments in
brackets. But in latex the brackets have both attributes : delimites
arguments and area, like in {\bf something}

But I wont insist on any modifications : once I found how to write it
right, that's OK...


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