Re: [ROOT] TIter, TIterator, and user-defined iterators

From: Victor Perevoztchikov (
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 23:08:01 MEST

Hi George,

TIter is a generic iterator for TCollection based containers.
just in constructor it demands this collecion
  TIter(TCollection* col ..)

It is impossible in C++ to make general polimorphic wrapper class for arbitrary 
collection. It is not a problem of ROOT.


George Heintzelman wrote:
> Rooters,
> I was recently looking at making a TIter wrapper of an STL iterator to
> some set of root objects, which I thought would be a nice way of using
> root's polymorphic iterators to mask implementation details.
> Unfortunately, I discovered that this is a lot trickier than it (IMHO
> at least) needs to be. TIterator is the polymorphic class, and I tried
> simply deriving from TIterator, but I discovered that TIterator demands
> a GetCollection function to return the TCollection the iterator points
> to. Well, fine, I thought, there is no TCollection, so 0 is a valid
> return there.
> But then I realized that this is an essential part of TIterator/TIter,
> since TIter calls GetCollection and then a virtual operator= (which is
> also bizarre, and quite possibly rather less than type-safe, but I
> digress) in order to copy itself. I should say 'create a new iterator
> in what is probably the same way I did the other one' rather than copy,
> though.
> So in order to create this wrapper, I also have to create a new
> TCollection class, with all the baggage that that demands (at a
> minimum, I have to create unusable Add, Clear, Delete, and Remove
> functions, along with a working MakeIterator returning one of my
> iterator class) for a class that I hope will never be used (I could of
> course be interested in creating a ROOT wrapper around an STL container
> separately, but lets assume that I don't want to deal with Streamer
> issues and all the other root machinery for right now).
> Why doesn't TIter simply demand a valid Clone() or similar function
> from TIterator? That would be easy for implementers of derived classes
> to implement. In addition to easily allowing the use of Root-style
> iterators with STL containers, it would let you build TIterator classes
> which filter through the output of another TIterator to select
> particular objects from a collection (without building a new collection
> with the needed objects first), concatenate containers, and so forth.
> This is the kind of flexibility I would want to have in return for
> paying the (IMHO fairly high) price of virtual function calls and VFT
> pointers in iterator classes.
> Finally, I doubt that TIterator's GetCollection and operator= functions
> are being used outside TIter's implementation, so eliminating this
> functionality and replacing it with Clone() will not hurt anyone. I
> could be wrong about this, of course, but I would think that if you
> needed the actual collection you would just pass the collection rather
> than a TIterator to it.
> George

Victor M. Perevoztchikov       
Brookhaven National Laboratory MS 510A PO Box 5000 Upton NY 11973-5000
tel office : 631-344-7894; fax 631-344-4206; home 631-345-2690

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