[ROOT] Failed Compiling ROOT 2.25.00 on Solaris CC5.0

From: George Heintzelman (gah@bnl.gov)
Date: Mon Jul 31 2000 - 20:19:17 MEST

I was trying to compile root on a Solaris with SUN Workshop compilers 
version 5.0. I was ultimately unable to get it to compile directly. 
Here is a summary of what I went through:

1) First, I had to remove ',no%Cstd' from 3 locations in 
Makefile.solarisCC5. This fixed a tremendous number of undefined symbol 
2) The file cint/iosenum/iosenum.solarisCC5 did not exist, and cint_tmp 
segvio'd when it was attempting to create it. I discovered that it was 
running into an infinte loop allocating memory, in sunstrm.cxx. I did 
some fiddling, managed to avoid the infinite loop, but started hitting 
Bus Errors in C++ initialization. I suspect something fishy is going on 
at a low level that I was unable to understand.
So instead, I looked at iostream.h and generated iosenum.solarisCC5 by 
hand. It was identical to that for iosenum.solaris with the addition of 
the line:

static int ios::binary=0;

as an allowed mode. This got me a compiled cint.

3) Trying to make the first ROOT Cint-interface file G__Base1.cxx gave 
me the same problems as on 2. At this point after wrestling with the 
problem some more I have admitted at least temporary defeat. The error 
in question is a bus error happening during system initialization 
(routine __Cplus_init.).

I am trying to run the program under Insure++ to see if I can discover 
anything that may be of help, but I thought I would report this first.

George Heintzelman

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