Re: [ROOT] How to use third party's shared library in Root/Cint

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 16:58:22 MEST


  if you only need a certain subset of functions and structs from
engine.h you could make a file like cintengine.h which only contains
a sanitized version of engine.h. For example I can't parse all X11 headers
so I do the following:

in $ROOTSYS/x11/inc/TGX11.h:

#if !defined(__CINT__)

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>

#include "Xpm.h"


typedef unsigned long XID;
typedef XID Drawable;
typedef XID Cursor;
typedef XID Colormap;
typedef XID Window;

struct GC;
struct Display;
struct XGCValues;
struct XSetWindowAttributes;
struct XColor;
struct XEvent;
struct XImage;
struct XPoint;
struct XpmAttributes;

Display *XOpenDisplay(char *disp_name);


So you could do:


#if !defined(__CINT__)

#include <engine.h>


/* forward declarations */
typedef INT8_T char;
struct engine;

/* prototypes */
engine *newengine();


Now parsing should be no problem. The only problem is to keep cintengine.h
and engine.h in sync.

Cheers, Fons.

On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 10:44:02AM -0400, HP Wei wrote:
> Dear Rooters:
>  I want to use a set of commercial C libraries
>  ( for Sun's Solaris) in Root/Cint (2.25).
>  Following Fon's suggestion, the plan is to 
>  (1) rootcint dict.C -c engine.h   
>      to create the dictionary files for CINT.
>      Here, the engine.h is the header file from
>      this commercial package.
>      It defines a set of C functions and #include 
>      other header files.
>  (2) compile this dict.C with main.C 
>      in the example in the article "CINT Dictionary Generator".
>  Now, during step (1) I encounter the following three types of
>  error (warning) situations.
>  In each situation, I also append the surrounding lines
>  in the header file at issue.
>  Can anyone help out??
> (1) ------ Limitation message
> Limitation: macro handled as typedef char INT8_T; FILE:tmwtypes.h LINE:88
> ------ lines around LINE:88
> #ifndef INT8_T
> # if CHAR_MIN == -128
> #   define INT8_T char
> # elif SCHAR_MIN == -128           <------- line 88
> #   define INT8_T signed char
> # endif
> #endif
> (2) ------ Error message
> Limitation: can not handle macro UINTEGER_T unsigned Use +P or -p option
>  FILE:tmwtypes.h LINE:284
> Error: class,struct,union or type UINTEGER_T not defined  FILE:tmwtypes.h 
> LINE:285
> ------ lines around LINE:284
> #ifndef UINTEGER_T
> #define UINTEGER_T unsigned
> #endif                             <------- line 284
> typedef UINTEGER_T uint_T;
> (3) ------ Error message
> Error: Unexpected EOF G__exec_statement() FILE:engine.h LINE:175
> Advice: You may need to use +P or -p option
> ------ 
> Upon inspection of File:engine.h, I find that the line:175 is
> the end of the file:engine.h.
> --------------------------

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