Re: [ROOT] TObjString confusion

From: Victor Perevoztchikov (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 21:30:15 MEST

If you need only "use these variable names for passing to other functions"

why not to do it simpler, like:

   const char *Avars[] = { "Total", "Debrems", "Dedelta", "Deelse",
                            "Deepair", "Demunu", "Demuon", "Costhmu",
                            "Deelse", "Ener", "Gmtns", "Gmtsec", "Id",
                            "Ievent", "Nch", "Nhits", "Nstr", "Ntr",
                            "Phimu", "Toff","Trigg", "Vmu", "Zmu", 0 };

"Kevin M. Rhodes" wrote:
> Any explanations why this won't work:
> {
>   gROOT->Reset();
>   TObjString *Avars[23] = { "Total", "Debrems", "Dedelta", "Deelse",
>                            "Deepair", "Demunu", "Demuon", "Costhmu",
>                            "Deelse", "Ener", "Gmtns", "Gmtsec", "Id",
>                            "Ievent", "Nch", "Nhits", "Nstr", "Ntr",
>                            "Phimu", "Toff","Trigg", "Vmu", "Zmu" };
>   TString temp = Avars[0].GetString();
>   cout << temp.Data() << endl;
> }
> I just need to use these variable names for passing to other functions,
> and all I've accomplished is getting their memory adresses to print.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Kevin Rhodes
> UW-Madison
> Amanda Project

Victor M. Perevoztchikov       
Brookhaven National Laboratory MS 510A PO Box 5000 Upton NY 11973-5000
tel office : 631-344-7894; fax 631-344-4206; home 631-345-2690

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