Re: [ROOT] Refresh speed in an online monitoring display

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 10:17:56 MEST

Hi Laurent,
You do not provide enough information to describe your case.
Could you send me a script as short as possible simulating what you are
doing and showing the performance problem?
Is your X server running on the client machine ?

Rene Brun

Laurent Mirabito wrote:
>         Hello all,
> I wrote a small online monitoring program displaying data from a Si
> detector. Mainly it consists of one acquisition method updating histograms
> and displaying them in different canvas. It works well and my only worry
> is the drawing speed. In some canvas I would like to have a "scope" mode
> displaying all events (namely 100 event/s when I do not draw those 512
> bins histograms) but I can hardly draw 10 % of events.
> I use the standard method to update the drawing:
>           if (fRawSelected && cnt%2 == 0 ) // Raw data canvas selected
>             {
>               fcRaw->cd(); // change to the canvas
>               fHRaw[fCurrentEntry-1]->Draw(); // Histo drawing
>               fcRaw->Modified(); // flag modified
>               fcRaw->Update(); // Update the Pad
>              }
> Is there any setting I can modify to improve the speed of this
> application?
> Many thanks in advance for the answer.
>         Laurent Mirabito
>         IPN Lyon

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