Re: [ROOT] private TCollection copy ctor?

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 10:28:32 MEST

Hi George,

  I'll provide these missing copy ctor and assignment operators for the
next release for most if not all containers (note TObjArray already has
a copy ctor). So keep your nice scheme alive and it should work soon.

Cheers, Fons.

On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:12:12PM -0400, George Heintzelman wrote:
> Rooters,
> I was just trying to write a nice filtered collection template:
> template <class T, class Collection=TOrdCollection>
> Collection FilteredList(const TCollection &l) {
>   Collection mylist;  // Maybe should specialize with a preset capacity
> 	              // for classes which have that facility... 
> 	              // but that's an optimization for later.
>   TIter Next(&l);
>   while (TObject *obj=Next()) {
>     if (T *filtered_obj = dynamic_cast<T *>(obj)) {
>       mylist.Add(filtered_obj);
>     }
>   }
>   return mylist;
> }
> for use in routines that want to find the best object in a collection 
> satisfying certain criteria; and I didn't want to write the code over 
> and over in different filtering places. Aha, a template, I thought -- 
> and a smart compiler will optimize out the copy constructor of the 
> return value (as its allowed to do) in most cases, so I don't feel too 
> bad about returning the object itself since I will only construct it 
> once, really.
> Then I compiled and discovered that TCollection::TCollection(TCollection
>  &) is *private* and not implemented, and thus this is true also for 
> all its descendants. I understand this idiom as preventing copying 
> (even in cases where the constructor could be optimized out) -- but 
> why? The comment says 'TCollections are too sensitive', but I don't see 
> how -- the collections don't own their contents, you're just copying a 
> bunch of pointers. Sure, it might lead to a few inefficiencies if 
> people use it incorrectly or without thinking about the copy 
> constructors... but that's not a reason to PREVENT the activity, and 
> even then with modern computing power the copying of a few, or a few 
> hundred, or even a few thousand pointers is of very little impact 
> except inside inner loops, where profiling ought to catch these kinds 
> of mistakes. Is there something terribly dangerous about copying 
> collections that I'm missing?
> Obviously, I can't use Clone() -- I certainly don't want to copy ALL 
> the contents, just the pointers -- and I don't want to return pointers, 
> since I don't want the user to be forced to delete the pointer 
> afterwards (despite the fact that a lot of ROOT code works this way, I 
> find this idiom odious and to be avoided if at all possible*). So what 
> should I do?
> N.B. I was trying to do this as a way to go around (in a slightly more 
> inefficient way) the problem I mentioned some weekes ago with TIter and 
> TIterator, which prevents you from defining TIterator classes not 
> connected 1-to-1 with a TCollection class. The combination of not being 
> able to do either, and being prevented by local policy from using STL 
> containers (which do supply copying) is producing a great deal of 
> frustration here.
> George Heintzelman
> * And besides, it makes this really nice syntax impossible:
> GetBestFrom(FilteredList<TSomeClass>(mylist));
> Instead, I have to make a local pointer, pass it, and delete it. Never 
> mind exception safety, of course...

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