Re: [ROOT] Tree analysis

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Oct 13 2000 - 11:42:22 MEST

hi Bernhard .

Bernhard Ketzer wrote:
> Hi Rooters,
> I created a tree with two branches, each containing several arrays of
> floats and ints. In order to loop over the entries, I used MakeClass to
> create the skeleton analysis class (->Hits.C, Hits.h). Now instead of
> opening each ROOT file by hand and typing
>         Root > .L Hits.C
>         Root > Hits t
>         Root > t.GetEntry(12); // Fill t data members with entry number
> 12
>         Root > t.Show();       // Show values of entry 12
>         Root > t.Show(16);     // Read and show values of entry 16
>         Root > t.Loop();       // Loop on all entries,
> I wrote a little macro (analHits.C) to do that, which I append to this
> mail. The methods Hcreate and Hplot were added to the skeleton Hits.C to
> create and plot some histograms.
> However, I ran into two problems:
> 1. The Histograms are plotted on a canvas, which, however, gets cleared
> immediately after the macro exits. I understand that this is due to the
> loacl scope of the histograms created within Hits.C, but is there a way
> of saving them to the global scope?

When you close your TFile, all associated histograms are automatically
deleted. If you do not want to have the automatic association, at the beginning
of your macro, add the statement:
and your histograms will still be alive when the macro ends.

> 2. The macro runs without problems the first time it is executed, but
> the second time I do it, I get an error message like
> >>>>Function analHits() busy. loaded after
> >>>>"/afs/"
> >>>>Error: G__unloadfile() Can not unload
> >>>>"/afs/", file busy
> >>>>FILE:analHits.C LINE:11
> Do I really have to type .U Hits.C before I reexecute the macro?

In a named macro, you should never put the statement gROOT->Reset();
Remove this line and you should be able to execute n times.
I think you would gain in proceeding like indicated in the code generated
by TTree::MakeClass
  root > .L Hits.C
  root > Hits h
  root > h.Loop()  or Process...

Rene Brun
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Bernhard
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bernhard Ketzer                       Tel.: +41 22 76-76002  FAX: -77100
> CERN, EP Division                     GSM : +41 79 201 4404 (CERN
> 164404)
> CH-1211 Geneve 23                     Email:
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     Name: analHits.C
>    analHits.C       Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>                 Encoding: 7bit

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