Re: [ROOT] Script compiler

From: George A. Heintzelman (
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 16:34:11 MEST

> #pragma includepath my_include_path
> I'm using ROOT 2.24/03 and in that old version this procedure
> works only if the loaded script resides in CURRENT directory. Otherwise ROOT script compiler
> doesn't generate a dictionary, however it honestly does the rest (compiles the class and 
> loads in the .so file), which is extremely confusing. Could somebody check that this is 
> fixed in 2.25? 

This seems to be my problem. It seems to work correctly if either:

1) The class definition is directly included in the .L'd file 
2) Your current directory is the directory with the loaded file.

So I guess it is not fixed yet in 2.25/02 at least.

George Heintzelman

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