Re: [ROOT] Modifying Stat Box of an histo

From: Lars Ewell (
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 20:32:48 MEST

F. X. Gentit,

|>   How to have an histogram printed with a stat box written with a given Font
|> and a given Font size ? I know how to do it with the right button of the
|> mouse, opening "SetTextAttributes". But how to do it in CINT, before
|> printing the histogram ? I have tried :
|>   gStyle->SetTextFont(22);
|>   gStyle->SetTextSize(0.02);
|>   h1 = new TH1F("....
|>   h1->Draw();
|>   but it has no effect. Thanks for your help.

	You may already be aware of it, but have you tried to
save the canvas macro after you have changed things with the right
mouse button like you mention?

	I have learned about how to change canvas attributes
by first changing them with either the left, middle or
right mouse buttons and then saving the 'canvas.C' macro
(via left clicking on 'File' and then clicking on 'Save as canvas.C'
on the pull down menu) and looking over this.

	Hope that this may help you out.


	Lars Ewell

 Lars Ewell 
 Brookhaven National Laboratory
 Physics Dept. 510C
 Upton, NY 11973
 Phone (631)344-7070
 FAX   (631)344-3253

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