Hi rooters, I have a small macro which just reads out an ntuple and makes some plots with a given cut using a for loop. But it always crashes after plot the first plot.Who knows where is the bug? The macro is as follows: { TFile* f= new TFile("scanHits"); TNtuple* hits = (TNtuple*)f->Get("hit"); TCut theCut = "arm==1"; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1"); c1->Divide(5,5); Int_t plane; for(plane==0;plane<32;plane++){ c1->cd(plane+1); hits->Draw("distance",theCut); c1->Update(); } } When I replace the hits->Draw("distance",theCut) with hits->Draw("distance","arm==1"), the macro works fine. So what happens? thanks for any help, zhangz
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