Re: [ROOT] TCut/CINT problem

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Oct 31 2000 - 09:53:20 MET

Hi Angela,
This problem has already been fixed in our development version available with
CVS. It was a problem in CINT with the overloaded operator &&

Rene Brun

Angela Biselli wrote:
> Dear rooters,
> I have a very simple and stupid macro that gives me a segmentation
> violation the first time I run it but it works if I excute it a second
> time.The macro is doing a dummy loop to draw twice the same
> histogram(originally was something smarter...),the first loop it does
> everything  right and it crashes when it tries
> to evaluate again(TCut1 && TCut2) in the second loop.
> {
> TFile *f=new TFile("r17094.A00.C00.root");
> TCut coil=">75";
> coil.SetName("coil");
> TCut bound="kine.mmsq_pe>-0.6";
> bound.SetName("bound");
> TCanvas *el=new TCanvas("el","el",1,1,500,500);
> el->Divide(1,2);
> for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){
> el->cd(i+1);
> coil->Print();
> bound->Print();
> T->Draw("kine.mmsq_pe",coil && bound);
> }
> and the output is(note that I execute the macro twice and it crashes only
> the first time)
> root [0] .x test.C
> OBJ: TCut       coil>75        <------1 loop
> OBJ: TCut       bound   kine.mmsq_pe>-0.6   <------1 loop
> OBJ: TCut       coil>75        <------2 loop
> OBJ: TCut       bound   kine.mmsq_pe>-0.6   <------2 loop
>  *** Break *** segmentation violation
> Root > .x test.C
> OBJ: TCut       coil>75
> OBJ: TCut       bound   kine.mmsq_pe>-0.6
> OBJ: TCut       coil>75
> OBJ: TCut       bound   kine.mmsq_pe>-0.6
> root [2]
> Can anybody reproduce a similar problem?
>         Thanks Angela
> ps I'm using root 2.25/03.
> --
> Angela Biselli             homepage :
> Graduate Student 
> Office TEL.518-276-2050

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