Re: [ROOT] .rootrc, etc.

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Tue Oct 31 2000 - 12:09:25 MET

Hi Peter,

  .rootrc is a file containing some global default for your ROOT session.
There are three locations where the system looks for this file:
$ROOTSYS/system.rootrc, ~/.rootrc and ./.rootrc (the latter taking precedence
over the former). If you do in a root session: gEnv->Print() you see which
defaults are active.

Then there are: rootalias.C and rootlogon.C. They can contain code that
needs to be loaded and executed at root startup. rootalias.C is only loaded
and best used to define some often used functions (see for example 
$ROOTSYS/tutorials/rootalias.C). rootlogon.C contains code that will be
executed at startup (like connecting to a default TFile, etc).

Then there is rootlogoff.C that it called when the session is finished.

These 3 files are always taken from the current working directory (as
specified in $ROOTSYS/system.rootrc). If you would like to have a global
version of one or all of these files make the change in your ~/.rootrc, like:

# load same alias file for all root sessions.
Rint.Load:    $(HOME)/.rootalias.C

Cheers, Fons.

Peter H Fisher wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some specific questions I cannot find the documentation for:
> 1. How do I use .rootrc, rootlogon, rootlogff?
> 2. How do I set the path for macros?
> Many rhanks!
> Peter
> Peter Fisher                                   Office 617-253-8561
> Associate Professor of Physics                 Fax    617-253-4100
> 44-118 MIT                                     email
> Cambridge, MA, 02139

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