Hi Rooters! I was trying to read (and draw from) a tree which has members named "event", "ptot" and many more. when i try to read them in the following way: ------------------------------------------------------------------- { TChain t("trktree"); t->Add("/scratch3/munir/mini/run09666tree2.root"); TH1F *pid1 = new TH1F("pid1","ptot", 100,0,10); TH1F *pid2 = new TH1F("pid2","events", 200,3000,5000); t->Draw("ptot >> pid1"); t->Draw("event >> pid2"); } ___________________________________________________________________ things work fine. BUT, when i do the following ------------------------------------------------------------------ { Float_t ptot,event; TFile *f = new TFile("/scratch3/munir/mini/run09666tree2.root"); TTree *trktree = (TTree *) f->Get("trktree"); TH1F *pid1 = new TH1F("pid1","ptot", 100,0,10); TH1F *pid2 = new TH1F("pid2","events", 200,3000,5000); Int_t nrow = trktree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i =0; i < nrow; i++) { trktree->GetEntry(i); trktree->SetBranchAddress("event", &event); trktree->SetBranchAddress("ptot", &ptot); pid1->Fill(ptot); pid2->Fill(event); } } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ptot is ok, BUT ALL ENTRIES FOR "event" ARE 0!!! I really have no clue why is this happening. I'd really appreciate if anyone could point me where i am commiting mistake. Regards, -munir ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M. MUNIRuzzaman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graduate Student |email: |Phone: Department of Physics |munir@bnl.gov |(909)-787-7401 University of California | |(909)-276-4703(Home) Riverside, CA 92521 |web: | USA |www.phenix.bnl.gov/~munir | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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