Re: [ROOT] Does this leak?

From: Valeri Fine (Faine) (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 01:28:50 MET


> Hi,
>    It's my understanding that when a dynamically allocated TCanvas is 
> closed, it's memory is freed. Is this correct? Also, is it true that 
> the memory of objects drawn into a TCanvas are deleted by the TCanvas's 
> dtor? (I'm assuming that the objects have not been added to a global 
> directory.)

  Not it is not TCanvas doesn't delete any object one created with "new"
  on its own.

  If you want TCanvas to delete the object you created you have to MARK 
  your object with TObject::SetBit(kCanDelete);

  In your case 

   gr = new TGraph(100, x, y);

  Hope this helps.

>    As it stands, does code like the following leak memory?

     Yes it does ! TGraph will be not deleted. 
> void displayGraph()
> {
>   Float_t x[100];
>   Float_t y[100];
>   TGraph *gr;
>   TCanvas *c;
>   for (Int_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
>     x[i] = (Float_t) i;
>     y[i] = 5.9 * x[i];
>   }
>   c = new TCanvas("c", "A canvas", 0, 0, 400, 400);
>   gr = new TGraph(100, x, y);
>   gr->Draw("PA");
>   c->Modified();
>   c->Update();
> }

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